Star Date 1/22/9 For a high resolution view of each image, click the image. The pix pretty much tell it all, but I can't resist showing off the stargram I made today. 1. it's interlocking 2. it uses the 4-color map theorem result 3. it's 1/4" 4. the key idea is to draw an n-point skip-m wavy line star and then judiciously choose which lines to cut and where to put the dovetails 5. like previous stargrams, the shapes beg for animal names 6. it's easy to cut - no really curvy lines 7. it's not completely trivial to assemble, but it's also not that hard 8. it's pretty 9. it's got 11 pieces 10. it's hand-painted 11. it'll be given to the next blogger who is the first to solve a yet-to-be-dreamed-up riddle