I was interested in continuing the progression outward while also
incorporating a progressively GREATER spacial separation factor. Although
NOT logarithmic in scale, the effect is similar to what we see in some
natural situations -- as with the distance of the planets as one travels
farther away from the sun (where the planets are so much closer together when
closest to the sun itself). Additionally, it was interesting to find a
"dimensional" aspect in the composite form found in the center of the piece.
It began to take on a "one-body" kind of crystalline form -- much like a
gem-stone with various "faces." The random location I chose for the gray
"tinting planes" was in large part governed by the moon's location since it
was important to assign more "weight" toward the lower left of the piece (to
balance the weight of the moon it the upper right). Finally, I wanted to
maintain a cosmic backdrop in order to achieve a sense of (quite literally)
the greater picture -- that being of Nature and the order in the physics that
holds it in such beautiful balance. One could also question what three
elements are really being represented here. The triad could represent many
combinations. Mind, Body, Spirit could be one such triad although, in art,
we know that there can be as many as there are people who study art.