Charles Bradley's Fine Art <meta name="description" content="A complete collection of Charles Bradley's original Abstract and Geometric Gouache Paintings and Silkscreen Prints with Spiritual and Astronomical Themes from 1973 to 2015">

Often we are unclear about where were are headed or even where we have been. We are distracted by many seemingly unimportant details. We grow weary and life seems dark. It is at times like these we want to throw our hands up an say "No more. I just cannot manage this." This night scene, although similar to another titled "A Happy Night", is much different in that its shapes are limp. They seem to sag under their own weight. They seem without direction and are not linked in any positive way. Yet, as was once said: "The only thing constant in the Universe is change." And so, we realize our confusion will pass provided we recognize what it is we ourselves can do to make this possible. We need only to be willing.
