Genesis II
The subject of "The Beginning" has always been a fascinating one. There are
more questions than there are answers for all we seek to know about it. I am
certainly no physicist and my dreams of becoming an astronomer when I was a
young boy were quickly foiled when I began to realize there would need to be
an enormous amount of physics, chemistry, and mathematical study. Dreams can
excite our imagination for a lifetime though.
When I look at this scene, it seems that something is in the process of being
formed. There is a "coming together" aspect to it. Interestingly, it is
"without form" just as it must have been in the very beginning of the
creation. The colors are strong and yet they mingle in a rather non-combative
way -- almost as if they might at some point unite into something much
greater than the sum of their parts. Technically, we might also think of the
stars in this scene as needing to be "of the same age" as the colorful event
that is taking place. This would lead us to think they were PART OF the event
itself. And so, the questioning remains for us to ponder. "What was the first
split second of time really like when all matter came into existence?"