
Title: Hillside Companion
Media: Original Painting in Designer's Gouache on 300 pound hot press watercolor paper
Size: 8.5 in. x 11 in.
Print of the Original's Price: $175
Print of the Original Available (y/n): [Yes]
Available Format(s): Print of the Original Piece, Matted Prints, Note Cards
Price(s): $175, $60, $5.25 ea respectively
Year of Completion: 2001
Catalog No.: 01A04-17
Purchase Information: Contact the artist

In this night scene, the full moon "rests" comfortably next to the landscape.
To its left and with equal prominence, is a silhouetted, leafless tree whose
branching spreads out across the star-filled sky. Again there is vastness in
the "depth" the branching helps to create against the night sky. I enjoy
placing objects behind others in order to create these feelings of distance.
There is a warmth in this piece despite the leafless tree. The glow of the
moon shines at the edge of the hill. It appears "attached" to the green
slope. And if it were not for this warm glow, then both the steep and sharp
teal-green slope with the large and fragile, silhouetted tree would both
appear cold and separate from the one another. It appears "Hillside
Companion" conveys a balance and unifying feeling -- a mood of comfort, and a
pleasing display of simple landscape elements in a starry night.
