The New Path Images 30 - 45

(as of 2/21/2021)

Path Details immediately to the left of Seed No. 3 in the 9 o'clock position relative to it -- [Non-Symbol Area Label WW].

Posted August 29, 2020

Path Details below Central Seed No. 10 in the 7 o'clock position relative to it -- [Non-Symbol Area Label O]. Some portions of the previously drawn [Non-Symbol Area Label L] have been Photo-shopped (hidden) in the lower-right corner of this image.

Posted August 30, 2020

New Path Details midway between Central Seed No. 10 and lower-right Seed No 4 -- [Non-Symbol Areas J] Some portions of the previously drawn [Non-Symbol Area L] and [Non-Symbol Area I] are also included to the left and right respectively

Posted October 8, 2020

Path Details midway between Seed No. 6 (to the left) and Central Seed No. 10 (to the right). -- [for Symbol Area W] -- A pentagon within a 3-inch diameter circle has been drawn showing its five interior 108 degree angles. The upper-most angle has been trisected into three 36 degree angles. The two lines forming these equal angles form a triangle "tip" whose sides terminate on the opposite side of the pentagon. These sides connect at the points on the circle where the pentagon sides join. The triangle's BASE forms this particular pentagon side. Additionally, a line has been drawn connecting the two remaining points on the pentagon forming the left and right-most 108 degree angles. I've drawn three bold dots on this line: one at the beginning, one at the end and one where the triangle's right side intersects the line connecting the upper two pentagon/circle intersection points. The Golden Ratio represented by the length of "a" relative to "b" appears in this geometric design, a/b = phi = 1.6180339... (if the diameter of this circle = 1).

Posted October 11, 2020

Path Details for bottom-central edge of drawing -- [Non-Symbol Area B] -- slightly to the right and below Seed No. 5. Partial views of [Symbol Area FFF] and [Non-Symbol Area C] appear to the left and right of this.

Posted October 14, 2020

Path Details for another bottom-central edge portion of drawing -- [Non-Symbol Area D] -- slightly to the left and below Seed No. 4. Partial views of [Seed No. 4] and [Non-Symbol Area C] appear above and to the left of this.

Posted October 18, 2020

Path Details for [Non-Symbol Area H] immediately below and to the right of [Non-Symbol Area I] in the lower-right portion of the drawing (above and to the left of Seed No. 9).

Posted November 6, 2020

Path Details for [Non-Symbol Area G] adjacent and to the right of [Non-Symbol Area H] in the lower-right portion of the drawing (above and to the left of Seed No. 9).

Posted November 6, 2020

Path Details for [Non-Symbol Area CC] at top-center edge of drawing -- and slightly above and midway between Seed No. 1 [on left and not shown] and Seed No. 2 [on right and not shown]. This particular area's orientation is correct as shown, although I had to invert the drawing to more comfortably draw this upside-down. Also, it's worth noting the global pandemic caused the Alvin technical pen company in Germany to go out of business. I resorted to using about five different "Micron" pens which proved to be excellent alternatives for detailed work in archival ink.

Posted February 20, 2021

these details are for [Symbol Area F]. What I've done here is capture the second of two segments of phi, the Golden Ratio. Segment No. 1 equals 1.6180339887 and will be incorporated into the upper left quadrant of the drawing (as yet not drawn, but coming next). Segment No. 2 (shown here to the left) is "4989484820..." and is simply the finer calculation of phi's No. 1 segment carried out to the 20th decimal place. The calculations for phi's accuracy are infinite in number and therefore quite interesting (much like 3.14159... which equals pi) Segment No. 2 has been intentionally located diagonally (and in the opposite lower-right corner) to Segment No. 1.

Posted February 20, 2021

New Path details [for Symbol Area GG] located in the upper left quadrant of the drawing just below and to the right of Seed No. 7. This is "segment 1" for the beginning of Phi. This detail compliments "segment 2" for the number Phi previously discussed. The first 20 places for this infinite sequence are 1.61803398874989484820... The closer we investigate something, the more we find!

This detail is "the beginning segment" of the number phi. [Symbol Area GG] This morning, in a text conversation with my brother Lee, we shared some things and asked questions relating to projects we've been working on independently. It seems fitting here to share this entire conversation:

Chip: Phi part 1 for me today.

Lee: I saw what appeared to be phi part 2 yesterday. Whatsupwiththat?

Chip: Only when this thing gets done will it all "come together" so to speak. Not a very good answer, but phi and the math in sunflower heads will become more obvious even for the general audience after color is added to the background. [2 small hearts]

Lee: This is a very good answer. What you are building is in your creative genius and the general audience will see it only when you finish. [2 small hearts]

Chip: That too is an excellent reply.

Posted February 21, 2021

Path details for [Non-Symbol Area J] located adjacent and immediately above Seed No. 4 in the lower right portion of the drawing.

Posted February 23, 2021

Path details for [Non-Symbol Area K] located immediately to the left of [Non Symbol Area J] just mentioned and in the 10 o'clock position relative to Seed No. 4.

Posted February 23, 2021

Path details for [Non-Symbol Area M] located diagonally up and to the right of Seed No. 5 at bottom of drawing

Posted February 23, 2021

New Path details [for Non-Symbol Area N] immediately above Seed No. 5.

Posted February 23, 2021

New Path details [for Non-Symbol Area CCC] located adjacent and diagonally up and to the left of Seed No. 6 on left in middle of drawing.

Posted February 23, 2021

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