Peaceful Pathways

When I was much younger, I used to have dreams at night of (if you
can believe it) scenes somewhat similar to this. Unlike the dream's
scene, this painting appears "flat." My dreams took place far out in
the universe (with dimensional perspective). I would find myself on
very colorful "beams" which were very long and often joined at
colorful "intersections." It is unclear to me what the meaning of
these colorful highways in the universe were, yet I can remember
enjoying the view very much. I suppose part of the reason for these
dreams came from an interest in the American Space program when the
Mercury astronauts first trained and eventually flew into space. My
father also bought a telescope for me when I was younger still.
Interestingly, I can remember his telling me that he too used to
have dreams at night where he would fly in his own rocket ship to
any place he chose to go. Peaceful Pathways is to me a reflection of
some of these memories -- times I too could walk "out there" just to
look around. There is one particular scene in the movie "Contact"
with Jodi Foster in which one such powerful view of the universe
overtakes her. My painting is a meager attempt at capturing what the
astronauts may very well know when they travel "there."