These drawings are very small (4" x 4") image area. They will all be framed identically with a double white mat (museum mat). The "reveal" for the lower mat will be 3/16". The mat width all around these very intricate images will be 2". They will therefore appear in a tiny 4" window within the 8" square frame (which is a standard frame size). All are available for sale at reasonable prices since they are very small). One third of them (5) will include color as is found in pieces 2,5,6,7 and 10. The paint used in these drawings continues to be in Designer's Gouache (pronounced 'gwash') a French opaque watercolor paint with rich pigment. The titles for these 15 works are in the form: Untitled (Year) Abstract (Month) (Day of completion). This final piece for example is titled: "Untitled 2020 March 4 Abstract." This image below was an initial drawing for my 15th piece. I was not comfortable with it and erased the entire design. As can be seen, I "randomized" the design elements which was more fun and a bit more challenging. Some new design elements... A view of the entire 8" x 8" piece (unframed or matted) |