MCT - Friday, May 1, 2015 at 10:41:52 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
8 mile run in Ithaca NY. In Cass Park which is a great place to run with many
running paths, exercise stations, scenery, etc. 2 miles from my hotel. Saturday
I'm doing the Granby 10K and Sunday is the Run For The Cows Half Marathon.
ceb - Saturday, May 2, 2015 at 03:48:53 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Ran 4 miles out Fellsway West. Pace 9:33 per mile
tlz - Saturday, May 2, 2015 at 12:22:54 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
6 miles on Fri. - 8:45 pace.
Good luck on your races this weekend, Mike! Beautiful weather is upon us.
MCT - Saturday, May 2, 2015 at 15:21:56 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Started the day with a 5 mile wake up run. Then ran the 10K Granby Road Race.
Came in 2nd in my age group with a 55:11. Pace was 8:50. About 2 miles were
on easy trails. Nice race. Total miles today was 11.
MCT - Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 16:37:01 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Run For The Cows Half #3 is in the books. 2:14 which is my slowest yet but
hey...I ran 105 miles in the last 7 days. I was doing well and heading for
a 2:05ish finish when at about 11 miles my legs said "OK..that's enough",
and I hobbled in to the finish. Great weather today and saw Lea, Michael
Lopresti, and a bunch of 169ners. Now an afternoon off to just sit around.
tlz - Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 17:47:07 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
11.5 miles/varied pace. Did 5 miles in the trails sort of near Lake Compounce.
Funny - never knew there were trails so close to my house! Was getting
freaked out though every time we had to go on the steep downs. Did not want
to fall and break/injure anything so close to 3 Days. Came out by Lake Compounce
and ran/walked 6.5 miles on the road. Extremely tired by the end.
Mike, nice job on the Cow half! Take a day off tomorrow - you're making
me tired! :P
ceb - Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 17:54:46 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Sunday 7.24 mile run with Lee in Exeter, NH part 1 of 2 [1.24 m]
Sunday 7.24 mile run with Lee in Exeter, NH part 2 of 2 [6.00 m]
Ran with Lee from the Hampton Inn in Exeter, NH out and back for a short
1.24 mile loop, then out and back again on a longer 6.0 mile loop. Total
dist. = 7.24 miles / 11:07 overall pace. Sunny and cool 44-46 degree run
on this day following our visit with Pri at Kirkwood Corners in Lee, NH.
MCT - Monday, May 4, 2015 at 10:45:20 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
8 miles in the Burlington Hills. Need to do more hills to prep for my run
up Mt Washington in June.
lrb - Monday, May 4, 2015 at 17:26:15 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Home to School of Swimming and back.
Scene at bottom of big hill on the left
The elevation map. Pretty steep.
Distance: 11.30 mi
Time: 2:34:11
Avg Pace: 13:39 min/mi
Elevation Gain: 776 ft
Calories: 923 C
ceb - Monday, May 4, 2015 at 18:52:55 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Weekly Summary for last week:
25.39 miles
Ran 5 miles along Mystic River in early afternoon to Somerville and back.
Sunny and warm 75 degrees. Pace 9:41 / mile.
MCT - Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 09:59:40 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
6 miles in West Warwick RI.
lrb - Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 13:42:11 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
About 8 w/ Theresa. I ran toward her place, she met me and we headed over
to Scottish Rite 5K loop and did that and then we returned to our respective
homes. BTW, went shirtless yesterday. 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
MCT - Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 10:01:18 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Two runs in 12 hours. I got to the hotel early last night and was able to
get in a simple 4 mile run. Had a stressful day. The run was a great way
to relieve stress brought on by customers, VPs, etc. This morning I did 6
miles in much cooler weather.
4 mile run:
6 mile run:
tlz - Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 01:09:38 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
I've been delinquent in my logging all week:
Mon. - 6 miles/9:13 pace
Tues. - 6 miles/9:45 pace
Wed. - 4 miles/9:45 pace
Holy cow - 1 week from tomorrow, folks! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh!
ceb - Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 01:25:27 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Ran 8 miles in 1:21:16 earlier today. Pace was 10:10 per mile. My computer USB port
is not working for some reason so the data can't be uploaded to Garmin connect.
Did not run Tuesday so made it up today. Calories 892.
lrb - Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 14:32:44 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Distance: 7.56 mi
Time: 1:43:53
Avg Pace: 13:44 min/mi
Elevation Gain: 410 ft
Calories: 591 C
Home to Scottish Rite course, did course sans U shaped part that has apple
road names, back home. Taking tomorrow off. Racing in the Park on Saturday.
Best of luck to Tray in her 3 Days at the Fair. The longest she has ever
ever ever run.
tlz - Friday, May 8, 2015 at 01:33:15 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
7 miles/9:45 pace.
Thanks, Lee! Good luck at Race in the Park!
MCT - Friday, May 8, 2015 at 10:12:18 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Wacky Friday! Very strange morning. It started at 3:30am when some kind of
animal outside started this loud screeching bark over and over. It kept moving
around the neighborhood. At 4:40 I was going out for my run even though this
noise was on going. It was right in my front yard and turned out to be the
fox that has been hanging around our house. He stared at me and continued
barking. He looked OK so I headed out on my run and he just stayed in the
yard barking. I headed out towards Sessions Woods and even though still early
dusk I decided to run a small loop of trails. As I rounded a corner at 5:15
I hear and see a large dark object barreling down the hill. It was another
runner on the trail all dressed in dark clothing with no lights. I have seen
this guy before on the trails. So a very strange day full of excitement.
Good luck to Lea at Ragnar and Lee at Race In The Park this weekend. Crazy
Tracy...we can't wait to see what you accomplish next week. How many miles
are you going for...200?
MCT - Saturday, May 9, 2015 at 13:30:13 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Tried the Tunxis trails off Stone Road in Burlington. Did Sessions Woods as
well for a total of 12 miles. Off Stone road the trails were great but then
I decided it would be fun to follow an unmarked trail. Bad decision on my
part. I got lost for about 1/2 hour and had to walk some when I lost the
trail. Still great to be out on trails though.
lrb - Saturday, May 9, 2015 at 16:54:44 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Just sub 8 for the 5K in New Britain. Happy with it. Double chicked by Amy
and Karen. Dan Ciccarillo and I crossed simultaneously. Place 1st in division.
They had me down as a Female. And Karen wasn't even listed. We'll be that
Too bad you got lost Mike. That's sometimes scary.
tlz - Sunday, May 10, 2015 at 02:27:10 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
8 miles/9:30 pace.
Lee, nice job on your 5k today!
Mike - crazy me? That's the pot calling the kettle black. ;) God only knows
what kind of mileage I'll be able to do. All depends on how I deal with
the sleep deprivation and how often I'll need to take a break.
MCT - Sunday, May 10, 2015 at 10:39:59 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
5 miles in Whigville. Tracy you make a good point. Guess I'm a little crazy
as well but 50 miles at one time is my max. Nice race yesterday Lee. I see
Brent was there. Also nice Ragnar for everyone...Wanda, Michael Lopresti,
Kelly, and Lea.
ceb - Monday, May 11, 2015 at 01:00:16 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Wednesday's unlogged 8.0 mile run
[Garmin now working]
TO Revere Beach (Leg 1) - Sunday
FROM Revere Beach (Leg 2) - Sunday
Did not run since last reporting in on Wedneday! That's 3 days! Go out
there and tried to make up the lost distance with a 16 miler, but due to the
heat I chose NOT to tack on an extra 1.2 miles [which a just realized I
didn't need anyway]. Ran 7.39 miles to Revere Beach AND went swimming.
Water was wicked cold but air was a sunny 88 degrees. Tons of people on the
beach. Logan airport jets flew by real low. I asked two different woman to
take my picture -- one after the run, the other after the 30 second freezing
cold swim. Beautiful day - Glad to be out in it.
The run to beach was at a 10:21 pace. The run back was even
sloooower: 11:19 / mile. Total distance for both runs was 14.79 miles. On
the way back I got a little dizzy and pulled off at a D'Angelos and got a BIG
[free] cup of water. Sat there a while and recovered enough to continue
another 4 miles or so home.
Weekly summary:
Mon 5/4 5.00 miles / 9:41
Tue 5/5 0.00 miles
Wed 5/6 8.00 miles / 10:10
Thu 5/7 0.00 miles
Fri 5/8 0.00 miles
Sat 5/9 0.00 miles
Sun 5/10 7.39 miles / 10:21 - run #1
Sun 5/10 7.40 miles / 11:19 - run #2
total 27.79 miles (over week's plan by .79 miles)
after 7.39 mile run in 88 degrees at Revere Beach
after a 30 second swim in freezing cold water
many people on the beach today!
tlz - Monday, May 11, 2015 at 01:21:43 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
5 miles/9:48 pace. Perhaps I'll do one more 5 mile run on Tues.
Chip, nice pics. I can imagine what the water felt like after the winter
we've had!
MCT - Monday, May 11, 2015 at 10:43:40 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
8 miles in Alexandria, VA. From my hotel I have a choice of city running on
one side, which is great, or a bike trail on the other side along a river.
I did a little of both. Hot down here. Chip and Lee...are there no grey hairs
in your family? Nice pics Chip. Hard to believe a few weeks ago we had sub
freezing temps.
LMC - Monday, May 11, 2015 at 20:38:52 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Cape Cod Ragnar in the books. Friday I ran a 10 mile leg, then a 12.8 mile
leg. Only had about an hour and a half between the 2. Sunday I ran the very
last leg, 9.6 miles. Times were ok, considering I had 2 hours of sleep in
48 hours! The 10 miler was done in 1:31, the 12.8 in 2:13, then the 9.6 in
MCT - Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 10:28:21 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
7 miles in Old Town.
tlz - Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 10:56:59 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Decided not to run today after all. Too much to do and figure I will be running
plenty come Thursday!
Lea, awesome job at Ragnar! Wow, I would love to be able to "only" sleep
2 hours during 48 hours. What's your secret? LOL I've actually stopped
caffeine as of last week hoping it will have a stronger impact when I consume
it during the race. I've done this in the past and I'm not sure how well
it works but it's worth a try.
Holy cow, this is getting real! :0
lrb - Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 12:34:59 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
5.25 at about 10 minute pace with Theresa this morning.
Waydago Lea!
Best to you Tray!
My tech shirt was soaked this morning after the run. Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumidy!
MCT - Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 10:15:10 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
7 miles along the river to Rose Hill. Nice and cool this morning.
ceb - Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 18:37:37 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Took Monday off. Legs real sore.
This week I plan on doing 28 miles with a 10 mile run this Sunday
Planning on racing a 5k this coming June 7th. I'd like to keep my pace
around 9:30 on average for the week
Tuesday's run:
Distance: 3.17 miles
Time: 31:23
Pace: 9:50 / mile
Elevation Gain: 154 ft.
Cals: 355
Route: Fellsway West
Today's run:
Distance: 5.0 miles
Time: 42:52
Pace: 8:34 / mile
Elevation Gain: 165 ft.
Cals: 556
Route: Fellsway West
MCT - Thursday, May 14, 2015 at 10:48:11 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
8 miles back in Whigville. Cool morning. Tracy and Joe good luck. Rack up
those miles!
MCT - Friday, May 15, 2015 at 11:00:09 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
6 miles in Bristol.
ceb - Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 00:35:46 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Thursday's 3.0 mile run
Distance: 3.0 miles
Time: 26:14
Pace: 8:42 / mile
Elevation Gain: 10 ft.
Route: Mystic Valley Parkway in Medford toward Whole Foods
Friday's 4.0 mile run
Distance: 4.0 miles
Time: 38:05
Pace: 9:31 / mile
Elevation Gain: 198 ft.
Route: Fellsway West - out and back
MCT - Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 12:25:45 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
10 miles in the rain. Nice. I ran out to Stone Road which has a 1 mile dirt
section, then through the easy trail at Sessions Woods. Nice cool and quiet
lrb - Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 13:05:58 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
backyard run
Distance: 2.43 mi
Time: 32:34
Avg Pace: 13:24 min/mi
Elevation Gain: 71 ft
Calories: 197 C
first day running in 3 days. racing Library 5K tomorrow. thinking of Joe
and Tray. Karen Prado is running Bobby's Run and will run Library tomorrow.
lrb - Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 15:57:20 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Distance: 3.14 mi
Time: 25:42
Avg Pace: 8:12 min/mi
Elevation Gain: 26 ft
Calories: 331 C
Newington Library 5K Challenge. Karen and I placed 2nd and 1st in our respective
divisions. Our bibs were 1 and 2. (I signed us both up early.)
Tray I am sure will report in full but I believe she ran 150 miles and Joe
MCT - Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 18:45:50 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Ran the Shine On 5K this afternoon in 27:54. Slower than last year but placed
3rd in the 60+ group. Peter Hawley placed 1st and Brian Walker 2nd. I also
did 7 miles this morning out to Sessions Woods. 56 miles for the week.
Congrats to Lee on his Library 5K and of course Joe and Tracy on the phenomenal
ceb - Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 19:45:55 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Skipped run yesterday
Distance: 13.1 miles
Time: 1:59:22
Pace: 9:07 / mile
Course: Fellsway West, then right on North Road to Railroad Station
at bottom of steep hill in Wakefield.
Weekly summary:
Mon 5/11 0.0 miles
Tue 5/12 3.17 miles - 9:50 / mile
Wed 5/13 5.0 miles - 8:34 / mile
Thu 5/14 3.0 miles - 8:45 / mile
Fri 5/15 4.0 miles - 9:31 / mile
Sat 5/16 0.0 miles
Sun 5/17 13.1 miles - 9:07 / mile
total m= 28.27 ave pc= 8:56 / mile
Tracy and Joe - you are amazing. Beyond amazing. Nice work
for both of you. I'm so impressed.
Lee (and Karen) - congratulations, too Newington 5k Challenge.
First place! AOK.
Lmc - Monday, May 18, 2015 at 00:57:28 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Ran only 11 miles this week. Took 2 nice 1 hour walks with the hubby, too.
Will start my regular 30-ish weekly mileage tomorrow. Having minor right
side TFL issues (near my hip).
MCT - Monday, May 18, 2015 at 10:50:20 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
9 miles in Bristol. Did some decent hills to start training for the Bristol
Half Marathon and Mt Washington. Saw Wookiee walking along side the road.
Scared me at first but after he said hello it is apparently Star Wars Day
at the local high school.
MCT - Tuesday, May 19, 2015 at 10:29:18 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
8 miles in Keene NH. Raining and cold.
lrb - Tuesday, May 19, 2015 at 13:22:47 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
8 in the rain, some w/ Wanda. Running Delaney Dash 4 mile in Old Saybrook
this Saturday. There'll be a bunch of fast old guys on the HTC racing team.
I may be the slowest. This is a USATF CT race and very competitive.
MCT - Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 10:49:58 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
8 miles up to the top of Angela's Way which is one of the biggest hills in
Burlington. It alone has a 483ft rise in a little over a mile. Total elvation
gain on the entire run was 664ft.
tlz - Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 11:22:14 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Gee, my log for this week is pretty simple - NO RUNNING! LOL My feet still
hurt, my left quad is still tight. However, I do not have cankles - you
should see Joe's! In all fairness, he covered 51 more miles than me. I
am working on writing down some thoughts about my 72 hour experience and
will post later or tomorrow, when I finish.
lrb - Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 13:21:14 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
8.27 @ very slow pace (Scottish Rite loop). Welcome back to the log Ms Z.
Look forward to hearing your thoughts.
ceb - Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 14:09:17 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Will be taking today off from running. Ran 7.07 miles yesterday at a 10:47
pace. Took some new trails around the Winchester Reservoir area north of
MCT - Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 10:31:45 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
8.25 miles in Bristol. More hills. Mt Washington is 4 weeks away.
lrb - Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 16:56:55 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Ran 12 miles at 10:53 pace, 9 w/ Wanda, to Rocky Hill School of Swimming
then over to Century Hills and back to Scottish Rite start point. Spotted
llama and cows en route. She's doing Vermont City Marathon on Sunday. Learned
she's a pace leader (9 minute) at the New Haven 20K. This will be two weeks
after Montreal Iron Man (her first). I have quite a few over the top runner
friends .
MCT - Friday, May 22, 2015 at 10:21:38 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
6.5 miles in Bristol. Basic easy run. May try to get some long trails this
weekend. Thinking about the Bimbler 50K or the Nipmuck Trail Marathon in
the fall. Both tough ones.
tlz - Friday, May 22, 2015 at 11:42:58 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
3 Days at the Fair:
I have mixed thoughts about the 72 hour race. I went to NJ feeling really
positive and strong. On day 1, I covered 70 miles but it seemed to be a
struggle almost from the start. Things didn't really click like they have
for other races. I began to fear I was in trouble as more and more "obstacles"
kept popping up. While it wasn't scorching hot on day 1, the sun was intense
and probably more draining than many of us realized. There was a guy there
by the name of Bill Schultz who was coach and crew for the men's 72 hour
winner (his runner, Josh Irvin, did 293 miles and set the course record,
by the way!). Anyway, Bill kept checking in with me (I met him last year
at the race when he was crewing for someone else). I asked him for his expert
advice because I felt like my race was slipping away. He basically scolded
me and pointed out that I raced a 100K 17 days earlier. He asked what I
expected, given that fact. I guess I've seen other people pound out tons
of miles and race upon race and thought I could be superwoman too. :P My
goal for this race was 175-180 miles. Bill thought I did too much on day
1 but I was under the impression that no one really runs even days (60, 60,
60). Typically, everyone does more on day 1, much less on day 2, and if
lucky, makes a comeback on day 3. His recommendation was to take more rest
during the heat of the day and make it up at night. I already blew that
strategy for day 1, however.
It's a bit hard to remember clearly how things unfolded - the days and time
seem to blur together. Day 2 was the hardest for me though. Both of my
quads started hurting and my feet were getting blistered. Not the horrible,
huge blisters I've gotten in past races but even if they didn't look as hideous,
they still hurt. I put on my Altras, which have a much wider toe box. My
Brooks totally failed me this time. :(
My quads were getting to be really painful on day 2. Good ole Bill offered
me The Stick (which his runner brought) to roll them out. In fact, he said
I could use it whenever I needed. I wasn't sure what Josh looked like at
that point but Joe said he was wearing blue shorts. So I stopped by their
tent (which was only a few tents away from ours) to use The Stick and no
one was there. I sat down on one of the chairs and started rolling and hoped
Josh wouldn't run by and see me sitting at his tent helping myself to his
stick! LOL So I look out at the runners and wouldn't you know, there's
a runner going by at a good clip wearing blue shorts and looking over at
the tent. Crap - busted! At the end of the race, I congratulated Josh and
told him it was me using his stick and thanked him very much. He said no
problem and glad it helped. I added that my leg was fairly clean as I had
showered on day 2. :)
Between the quads and feet hurting, I had a hard time running for very long
and my morale was in the toilet. It hurt to walk too though so I developed
this extremely inefficient wog, which felt like running in place. It exhausted
the hell out of me because it felt like I was bouncing up and down more than
moving forward. I questioned why I needed to do this to myself. What did
I need to prove? Why couldn't I have enough self-love to say I don't want
to put my body through this and be okay with that? WHY???? Because I stopped
in prior races and knew the repercussions were far worse than any pain/discomfort
I was feeling. I knew I would beat myself up after the race if I just gave
up. Poor Joe put up with multiple breakdowns. I was like a psycho - one
minute thinking I would just take more breaks and not try to achieve much
more for the remainder of the race... to what else can I do to allow myself
to rack up more mileage. To put things in perspective - last year, it took
me 36 hours to reach 100 miles, this year - 42 hours. It seemed like every
mile was a fight and the numbers didn't seem to be accumulating. I ended
up resting during the heat of the day on day 2 for 4-5 hours and also slept
for a bit that night. I covered 37 miles on day 2 and wondered how much
more I would be capable of on day 3.
Seeing old friends and sharing laps while chatting was a great morale booster
and distraction from the pain for me. I also met new people who inspired
me. Marion and Don Landry are a 70 year old couple. Marion ended up with
176 miles and Don did 188 miles! They kicked my ass! LOL They spoke of
how they backpacked on the AT for 28 days, though. Anyone who does that
has mental and physical endurance for sure. Then there was Johnny and Ellen
from Sweden. Johnny ran 224 miles, Ellen did 4 marathons over the 3 days
(called the quadzilla event). At one point, I was running around the course
and Johnny was on the side where his stuff was. He did this little cheer
thing..."Go Tracy, go Tracy..." quite animated and complete with a dance.
I told him it was a bit extreme but thanked him. LOL So when we passed
each other on the course, I would say to him, "Go Johnny" and he would say
to me, "Go Tracy."
Joe and I also shared many laps together. When a period of time went by
and we didn't see each other, we would try to find one another. At one point,
I saw Joe further along the course. He was too far ahead for me to catch
so I figured I would sit down for a few, stretch out my legs, and wait for
him to come by. I waited but he didn't come by. When I saw one of my friends,
I asked her if I could borrow her stick, as my quads were killing me again.
So we walked over to her tent. And then one of Joe's friends (who knew
I was looking for Joe), came by and said, "Hey, Joe's waiting for you by
the start/finish area with a cheeseburger." He referenced some story about
the girl who cut and sold her hair so she could buy a chain for her guy's
watch but he sold his watch to buy combs for her long hair. And I said,
"Yep, that's us, Joe and Tray - star crossed ultra runners." LOL
On day 3, I put on my completely open-toed sneakers and wore them for the
remainder of the race. The only issue was the sandy/gravel area on the course.
I never remembered that part being an issue and did not bring my gaitors.
I put calf sleeves on at one point with my socks over them to try to keep
the dirt from accumulating around my ankle. Any dirt that got in the toe
area I tried sweeping out with my fingers. We had some rain on the last
day, starting with a serious downpour around 6 pm. We took a short break
and waited it out. Then another clip of rain came through a couple of hours
later. Joe and I decided to rest and start back up when it was over or at
least lighter. We headed back out at 11:00 pm. At that point, we had our
goals in front of us. I needed 22 miles to make 150. Joe needed 28 to make
his 201. We started out walking together but I was going slower so I told
Joe to go on without me. We were both out the entire night, which sucked!
I clearly remember looking down at my watch every so often in disbelief
that I had to walk in circles for several more hours until 9 am, when the
race finished. I was averaging about 3 miles an hour at the time but I also
took short breaks to give my legs/feet a rest and try to revive to do more.
This was perhaps the hardest point in the race. If I wanted at least 150,
I had to keep going until the end. I was suddenly sorry I took all the rest
I took! But then again, I may not have had the will/strength to continue
had I not.
So - not the race I was hoping for, in terms of mileage, but I learned a
ton and was happy I was able to regroup and not give up.
The Runner's World quote today seems very apropos:
"It's all those little battles with yourself that are the most satisfying
to win." Mirinda Carfrae
ceb - Friday, May 22, 2015 at 19:26:53 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
I ran 3.08 miles Thursday along the Mystic River. Pace was a slow 10:21 / mile.
Today I ran 5.09 miles out Fellsway west. Pace was similar to yesterday.
I really enjoyed reading your full story of the race Tracy. Loved many parts
of it -- one being the part about waiting for Joe -- and his waiting for you
-- and how he referenced that story about the girl who cut and sold her hair
so she could buy a chain for her guy's watch ... and how he sold his watch
"to buy combs for her long hair." The thoughts (for each other) were SO
there, even though the outcome was entirely different than expected. Loved
the quote from Runner's World you referred to. In short, I liked everything
you shared about this amazingly challenging series of days (and nights). It
really seemed that you DID learn much and that the theme in your thoughts
(and body) was not going to be about giving up EVER even as you came so close
to the "edge" of feeling like you might "fall." You most certainly rose to
the occasion -- and now you seem to know more about your spirit and what you
can really do when you put your mind (and body) to the test. Thanks for
sharing about all of it in such wonderful detail!
lrb - Friday, May 22, 2015 at 23:49:19 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Chip said it all.
I would like to add that I feel honored that you have posted this extended
reflection here. And just here. You put your heart and soul into both the
event and this history.
Thank you Tray.
tlz - Saturday, May 23, 2015 at 02:39:43 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
I actually ran today. I was thrilled to wake up and not feel pain in my quad!
I took it easy though and walked a 1/4 mile after running a 1/2 to 3/4 of
a mile very easy. 5 miles total/11:05 pace.
Lee and Chip - thanks for the feedback on my race thoughts. Glad you liked
my story.
MCT - Saturday, May 23, 2015 at 12:57:08 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Did 15 miles including some trails. Once again I ran the blue and white trails
at Sessions. Just beautiful. I fell within the first 5 feet on the trail.
And rolled real good. Probably was hysterical to watch but thank God no one
was around.
Tracy your review of 3 Days was great and shows that running a loop course
can be interesting. Lee good luck at Delany Dash. I know that's one of your
lrb - Saturday, May 23, 2015 at 17:45:34 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Went pretty well. 8:03 pace. 1st in AG. Cold!
Delaney Dash 4 miler in Old Saybrook.
Got beat by two Karens (not by much but beat, nonetheless :). Karen Febbraio
and Karen Prado.
Brent wouldn't tell me his time. But he showed and ran. Not sure how Lani
did. She's the head of the HTC women's team.
ceb - Sunday, May 24, 2015 at 00:25:26 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
I put in 11.0 miles today instead of tomorrow. Felt like I wanted to go
long. Ran 2 miles to the Tufts "Ellis Oval" track and then stayed there for 7
miles of track running. My shoes are getting a little worn, so I took
advantage of the softer surface. On mile splits 3 and 4 I amped up my speed
to see what I could do for 2 miles. Not too bad on mile split 4. I felt it
going home though. Quads felt a bit sore. All in all, a pretty decent run
with good sun and 63 degree temps.
Nice running there, Lee. Nice pics of you and the (only slightly) faster Karen.
MCT - Sunday, May 24, 2015 at 13:23:10 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
7 miles at Peoples Forest. Ran the Blue Trails, Red Dot trails, and a few
miles on the roads. Decided to get to know some of the trail systems. There
were some very technical portions that were tough to walk never mind run.
Came across a marked indian and early settler graveyard in the middle of
nowhere. Beautiful morning for it. That ends another week and a total of
62 miles.
MCT - Monday, May 25, 2015 at 14:22:31 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Ran the Oxford Freedom 5K today. Nice little race. My official time was 25:53
and came in 4th. Missed 3rd by 2 seconds. I ran 4 miles before the race to
get to 7 for the day.
lrb - Monday, May 25, 2015 at 17:17:30 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Did 8+ slow today. Delivered a birthday card for Linda by running from home
to Pratt Street in Rocky Hill. Ryan and Brittany ran your race Mike. 17:19.
Think about it.
from her post on fb ...
What better way to celebrate Memorial Day than to set a new female course
record of 18:12 at the Oxford 5k Freedom Run. Ryan O'Connor kicked some major
a$$ setting a new PR 17:19 and winning the race overall. — with Ryan O'Connor.
LMC - Monday, May 25, 2015 at 20:45:44 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
My week in review:
Tuesday - 6 miles treadmill
Wednesday - 6 miles outside
Thursday - 8 miles outside
Saturday - spread 30 bags of mulch!
Sunday - 7 miles outside, plus a 3.5 miles walk with the hubs
Monday - Washington trail 4k, 18:01, 1st in age group. Ran a total of 3.5
miles (race plus warm-up).
tlz - Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 11:49:33 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Congrats on your races, Lea and Mike! I'm itchin' to do a short race but
I fear I would be terribly slow at this point. Can people post any upcoming
races they are doing just in case I feel like giving it a shot one of these
6 miles last night at lightening speed (9:20) with Joe. :P It's funny how
fast it seems you are running when you averaged 20 something minute miles
for hours on end!
lrb - Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 13:58:06 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
6.32 @ 14 minutes/mile. Ran to Church Street here in Newington just to see
where I'll be observing my friend tutoring and meet the parents. Nhung will
be moving to California and I will take her place. Discovered the house is
near where I did the Fun Runs last summer so returned via the XC trail they
use. Don't know what races I'll do in the coming weeks Tray but I'll keep
you posted.
MCT - Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 14:21:44 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Did 7 miles this morning. Tracy and all...the Run169(Debticonn) site has the
most complete listing of future races you'll ever find. One of the memebers
updates it daily. This is the link
Scroll down to "Lius's Corner" and then use the scroll bar in that section
to find by date. It lists the name, website, and start time of every race
in Connecticut. It's amazing how many more races are out there. He also includes
ultras, trail race, and I believe triathlons.
MCT - Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at 10:46:19 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
10 miles to Angela's Way which is the big, steep hill. Good route to prep
for Mt Washington.
ceb - Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at 17:35:34 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Took Sunday 5/24 off from running. Ran 26.24 miles in total last week. Paces
averaged 10:03 for 4 runs. Ran 3.0 miles Monday at 9:50 pace. Took Tuesday
off. Ran 6.0 miles today at a 9:23 pace. It was a hot 79º.
tlz - Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at 23:52:10 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Forgot to log yesterday - 5 miles/9:35 pace. Then shoveled rocks into my
plant beds. Took today off.
Thanks for the link to all of the races in CT, Mike. Not sure if I can make
anything work with my schedule. Also have to be careful not to injure myself
post-3 Days and pre-NY. Maybe I can run a 5K in July?
MCT - Thursday, May 28, 2015 at 10:33:59 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
7.5 miles in Whigville.
lrb - Thursday, May 28, 2015 at 15:06:50 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Did this yesterday evening with Amy C. Brickyard north to Sperry Park and
back. Nice to be back! She hadn't run at all since Race in the Park! Wanted
to go 9 but I said let's go all the way to Sperry so it ended up 10. Somewhere
mid-run lost satellite thus the straight line segment in my Garmin map.
When I ran the Goshen 5 mile with her in April they only had 60+ division so
I missed out on a trophy. A friend of hers, Laura Archer, who both works
with her and lives in Goshen did an incredibly nice thing for me which Amy
gave me when we finished our run. She had a special trophy made for me and
gave it to Amy to give to me. How awesome is that?
Speaking of Brickyard ... remember Brickyard?, maybe we could try and duplicate
what Amy and I did, namely, mid-week, after work, say 5 PM, maybe Wednesdays,
gather and do the trail. Our weekend schedules seem to run into either races
of something else, often. Maybe this might be a way to revive our small group.
I know Amy and Laurie have done this. Waddayouthink?
PS Tray, how 'bout Petit? GE 5k Road Race 2015, Sunday, July 19, 2015 9
AM. I'm running it.
tlz - Friday, May 29, 2015 at 01:06:41 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Nice trophy, Lee! :)
I was wondering about track workouts for Monday nights during the summer?
I am registering for the Narrangansett Marathon on Sun., Oct. 11th. Speedi
(AKA Vanessa) is doing it as well. So need to get some speed back! But
I'm not opposed to a Wed. 10 miler on occasion as well after work.
6 miles/9:20 pace after work today.
MCT - Friday, May 29, 2015 at 10:28:04 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
8 miles in the hills of Bristol. Today marks my 100th consecutive day of running
outdoors. I started on Feb 19th. Going to see how long I can keep this going.
Sara Sessions is past 3 years now without stopping. It's part of a group
called Streak Runners International. The guy with the longest streak has
over 40 years. I like a good challenge! Nice trophy Lee. You deserve it and
nice of them to get it together. You help and encourage a lot of runners
out there. I'm running the Chaplin 5k on Saturday and the Outrun38 Half
Marathon in Branford on Sunday.
lrb - Saturday, May 30, 2015 at 17:14:46 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Glastonbury Run For Life 5K. Race was really messed up right from the
start; horn went off a couple of minutes early and the volunteers were
not positioned. I ran short, Brent long. Mile markers not to be found
and there were several places where we had no idea where to go. They
need a person who is a veteran race director next year. Brent & I
crossed simultaneously (but, as I say, he ran long (3.4), I short
(2.8)). Geoff Etherington (86 years old) was the only other guy in my
division. I know him and he ran quite well. I placed 1st, he 2nd.
Befriended a guy named Miguel and his wife Cindy (who both placed). Even
the pace on the results sheets were way off. I will be giving feedback to
help them fix things. Had fun tho. And a good cause. There was a 24-hour
thing that had been going on from yesterday at 3 (like the one Tray and
others in our gang did a few years back).
MCT - Saturday, May 30, 2015 at 20:23:16 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Ran 4 miles early then off to the Chaplin PTO 5K. There some good sized hills
on the route. I placed 3rd in the 60+ division with a time of 26:12. 8:30
pace. OK considering the hills. on that relay. Tomorrow I'm doing
the inaugural Outrun38 Half Marathon in Branford. I suspect a small field
because of Mystic Half and those who ran Hamden Hills today probably won't
do another. Maybe a shot at placing again?
MCT - Sunday, May 31, 2015 at 15:50:53 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
I did the Outrun38 Half Marathon in Branford. Sponsored in part by the Soundrunner
store. It was the inaugural for the race. Nice course through neighborhoods
and some trails out along Long Island Sound. First half was rolling hills
and the second half was flat. Big turnout with hundreds of runners. I finished
in 2:15. First half was good at around an hour but the heat wore me down
in the second half and couldn't maintain the pace. 63 miles for the week
and 268 for the month.
lrb - Sunday, May 31, 2015 at 16:24:39 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Ran to Scottish Rite loop then walked loop w/ Linda a Rose. Nice double there
Mr. Mike! Will be going to Brickyard on Wednesday for about 9 or 10 with
Amy Ciccarillo. Laurie von Schmidt may join us for a few miles. Anybody else?
5 PM.
ceb - Sunday, May 31, 2015 at 18:18:32 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
Didn't run Thursday or Friday. Ran 15 miles yesterday afternoon.
Distance: 15.0 miles
Time: 2:33:53
Pace: 10:21 / mile
Temperature: 79º F
Route: From Medford 7.5 miles out thru Arlington, Belmont to Waltham (and back)
Ran 6.0 miles today
Distance: 6.0 miles
Time: 1:03:02
Pace: 10:32 / mile
Temperature: 77º F
Route: Fellsway West to Friendly's and back
Weekly Summary: 30 miles. (Goal met with mostly slow runs). Have signed up
for a 5k in Braintree, MA for this coming Sunday.
Job search update: No interviews resulted from recent applications! June
WILL be a better month. Have to make it so!
tlz - Monday, June 1, 2015 at 00:50:10 (GMT) (subtract 4 for local time)
10 miles on Sat. - 10:20 pace. Totally bonked around mile 8 because I didn't
bring any fluids with me and it was really hot. Did another 10 today - Joe
and I ran to Wolcott and back. A lot more hills than yesterday and pace
was only a few seconds slower.
Lee, that's a crazy 5K. I was just thinking about the Relay for Life we
did in 2012. You came to the track around 2 am and I think Mike showed up
between 4 and 5 am. I just remember feeling loopy after being out all night.
That was my first all nighter. :)
Mike, nice job on your races and mileage total. I'm happy to hit 2000 for
the year. If I kept up my running for the second half of the year as I did
for the first, I would be on target to hit 2700. But I actually plan to
cut weekly mileage to 35-40 after the GNY 100. Gonna focus on a fast fall
Chip, searching for jobs is so hard! I am currently looking as well. I
am employed but looking to get a better paying position. Hang in there.
Hope June brings good things your way.