/* cb.tc - lrb - 1/11/9 /* In the string "ChasB", if the characters 'a' and 'B' can be replaced by /* '0', '1', '2' or '3' and can be green ('2'), yellow ('3') or blue ('4'), /* how many different ChasB's are there? cb [ hilo '1';pl "cb.tc - 1/11/9 - lrb" char a,B;int c;char colora,colorB for (a='0';a<='3';++a) [ for (colora='2';colora<='4';++colora) [ for (B='0';B<='3';++B) [ for (colorB='2';colorB<='4';++colorB) [ if (!(c%20)) [pl "";sak] pl "";++c;pn c if (c<10) ps " " else if (c<100) ps " " else if (c<1000) ps " " ps " Ch";color colora;putchar a color '7';ps "s";color colorB;putchar B;color '7' ] ] ] ] pl "";hilo '0' ]