Newington Library 5K Challenge - May 16, 2010

My friend Mary completed her first 5K this morning. A banner day. We're already talking about Delaney Dash, Saturday morning runs @ Brickyard, runs w/ her son etc. etc. etc. Flo Dickie, Rose, Mark Turkington, Mary, Linda & I came back to our place and celebrated w/ quiche, mimosas, Rose's banana bread, fruit etc. A downright perfect weather day. I accomplished my sub 23 minute goal (by 2 seconds). Flo and Rose placed 1 & 2.

Friends who ran

 19   Keron Smith                  34F F3039 Manchester CT            20:43    20:41   6:40     1/30    131
 29   Peter Drakopoulos            40M M4049                          21:22    21:21   6:53     8/35    181
 38   Paul Dickie                  57M M5059 Newington CT             22:14    22:10   7:10     5/17    7
 40   Mark Turkington              66M M6069 Bolton CT                22:21    22:20   7:12     1/12    183
 41   Yvonne Rubin                 43F F4049 East Haddam CT           22:26    22:24   7:14     1/21    182
 48   Lee Bradley                  68M M6069 Newington CT             22:58    22:57   7:24     2/12    42
 51   Larry Chaves                 65M M6069 WEST HARTFORD Ct         23:01    23:00   7:25     3/12    165
 53   Josie Ceulemans              49F F4049 East Haddam CT           23:06    23:04   7:27     2/21    180
 94   Joan Munroe                  55F F5059 Newington CT             26:04    25:59   8:24     2/20    192
 104  Flo Dickie                   61F F6069 Newington CT             26:46    26:42   8:38     1/7     6
 111  Stacy Dickie                 23F F2029 Newington CT             27:07    27:03   8:44     4/12    5
 115  Rose Famiglietti             61F F6069 WH CT                    27:28    27:26   8:51     2/7     174
 120  Chester Lau                  53M M5059 W. Hartford CT           27:49    27:40   8:58    10/17    56
 121  Richard Zbrozek              63M M6069 Berlin CT                27:50    27:48   8:58     7/12    205
 210  Mary Almy                    47F F4049 Rocky Hill CT            36:55    36:46  11:54    15/21    147
 216  Jeanette Cyr                 75F F70++ Kensington CT            38:57    38:51  12:33     2/3     16

LBrad  Photos
by LBrad   Photos

Paul, Lee, Mary, Stacy, Flo, Rose

Chris Chisholm - overall winner



Linda, Mark

Josie - winner

Mark - winner, Stacy - winner, Paul, Flo - winner

Paul, Mark, Lee

Nicole Lacasse - winner, Joseph Santos - winner

Keron - winner

Joan - winner


Rose - winner
