GE Petit 5K - July 17, 2011


 27  George Kominos               54M M5054 Southington CT           18:57    18:56   6:06     2/100   1028
 39  Megan Jaswell                24F F2029 New Britain CT           19:25    19:06   6:15     2/281   175
 94  Kelsey Cabral                29M M2029 New Britain CT           21:01    20:33   6:46    22/161   1929
113  Brent Stratton               55M M5559 Middletown CT            21:26    21:22   6:54     2/75    173
141  Brian Fidler                 40M M4049 West Haven CT            21:55    21:51   7:04    29/188   30
222  Lee Bradley                  69M M6069 Newington CT             23:23    23:19   7:32     3/39    425
307  Tracy Vroeginday             38F F3039 Plantsville CT           24:41    24:24   7:57    11/261   185
334  Chip Bradley                 62M M6069 Ayer MA                  25:05    25:03   8:05     7/39    1598
649  Tom Butterfield              75M M7079 Windsor CT               28:03    27:55   9:02     1/6     82
664  Rose Famiglietti             62F F6069 Wethersfield CT          28:15    27:57   9:06     2/30    203
1215 Brad Rosenberg               10M M0012 Avon CT                  32:49    32:26  10:35    22/45    1494
1234 Laura Rosenberg              46F F4049 Avon CT                  32:56    32:33  10:37   122/275   1493
1612 Bill Tribou                  90M M80++ Granby CT                37:46    37:08  12:10     1/3     1708
1921 Jeanette Cyr                 76F F7079 Kensington CT            45:19    44:43  14:37     3/9     83
1943 Libera Cassarino             63F F6069 Bristol CT               46:44    45:26  15:04    21/30    1927

LBrad  Photos
by LBrad   Photos

Hot, but not super hot, muggy, but not super muggy, the Brickyarders made a strong showing at the 4th annual GE Petit 5K Road Race this morning. Brent Stratton, Tracy Vroeginday, Rose Famiglietti, Lee Bradley, Chip Bradley and Kelsey Cabral all ran extremely well.

15 miles on Saturday at Brickyard didn't seem to hurt Kelsey who ran a 20:33. On a cooler day he is confident he can go under 20. Rose, up at 3 AM after taking care of grandkids till late Saturday night, placed 2nd. Chip, who also didn't get enough sleep and who drove all the way from Ayer, MA, is doing well in his training for Hartford Half. Tray got a little tap on the shoulder from her neighbor with about 1/2 mile to go and chased her to the finish. She did her best and, in my book, that's what counts. Brent ran an awesome 6:54 pace. Wow!

Bill Tribou received a well-deserved ovation when he received his award. They went 3-deep this year. In years past they didn't go that deep.

Bill Tribou

Tom Butterfield

Lee Bradley

Rose Famiglietti

Tracy Vroeginday, Massage Therapist and Friends Kelsey Cabral, Chip Bradley and Lee Bradley

Rose and author Croix Sather's promotional car

Rose and B-bear friend

Brent Stratton, Lee Bradley, Rose Famiglietti and Kelsey Cabral

Dr. William Petit

Tracy and Rose
