Max and cumpenny tuk da Cuisenaire rods tah a nu level ova Thanksgiving.

Aftah builing da tower, da rods wur rearranged.

If da "extrah" 2 1 cm x 1 cm x 1 cm cubes intrigues u, here's da math.

10 orange       x  8   =    80 
 9 boo          x  8   =    72 
 8 brown        x  8   =    64 
 7 black        x  7   =    49 
 6 green        x  8   =    48 
 5 yelloh       x 10   =    50 
 4 alizarin     x 12   =    48 
 3 light green  x 18   =    54 
 2 red          x 24   =    48 
 1 wood kuller  x 41   =    41 
                         + --- 

23 x 24 = 552 

554-552 = 2 

Poast Cuisenaire table.

Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2n
The dishunary contains 1249 wurds.