Charles Bradley's Fine Art <meta name="description" content="A complete collection of Charles Bradley's original Abstract and Geometric Gouache Paintings and Silkscreen Prints with Spiritual and Astronomical Themes from 1973 to 2017">

Path of Life

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Main image (below) area is 31" x 18" with 3" matting all around.

Adjacent image (below) image area is 11" x 11" with 2.5" matting all around (below)
A series of images in chronological sequence for one particular "unplanned" technical pen abstract begun on May 13, 2016 The actual seed (shown in images #48 and #50) for the initial image below was grown in my garden in Harvard, MA. It grew into a 12 foot sunflower. The "path" for its life is noted symbolically in these drawings in a contiguous series of small dots.
Image 1 (above) All text from here on refer to images above the text Untitled Abstract 1 Date May 13, 2016 Note - The ink spot at the lower right is actually an unplanned "error." On seeing it, I decided to incorporate it into the drawing without hesitation!
Image 2 (above) Date May 17, 2016
Image 3 (above) Date May 17, 2016
Image 4 (above) Date May 22, 2016
Image 5 (above) Date May 22, 2016
Image 6 (above) Date May 27, 2016
Image 7 (above) Date May 29, 2016
Image 8 (above) Date May 29, 2016
Image 9 (above) Date May 29, 2016
Image 10 (above) Date May 29, 2016
Image 11 (above) Date May 30, 2016
Image 12 (above) U A 1 - June 3 - Close view of today's 10 x 10 inch addition
Image 13 (above) U A 1 - June 3 - Oriented 90 counter clockwise, about 24 x 14 inches thus far on the 30 x 40 illustration board.
Image 14 (above) U A 1 - 6/4 - The full 30 x 40 illustration board space thus far. An "interrupted" border was added today. See the detailed comment left in the comments section about this 6/4 posting. Thanks.
Image 15 (above) U A 1 - 6/4 - "Interrupted" border lines now shown. It was necessary to add this perimeter detail and it relates to some comments mentioned in the main discussion of this particular update
Image 16 (above) U A 1 - 6/4 - Note the interrupted lines just left of bottom center and their reappearance from the bottom right
Image 17 (above) U A 1 - 6/4 - Lower right corner detail.
Image 18 (above) U A 1 - June 5 Some comments for this posting have been deleted. They were unnecessary. -- ceb June 8
Image 19 (above) U A 1 June 5, 2016 - Closeup of the hummingbird-like being.
Image 20 (above) U A 1 - June 5, 2016 - I include this third image mainly to show some detail for the area I'll be working on after the corner design is fully developed.
Image 21 (above) no entry for today
Image 22 (above) Tonight I picked up where I left off on my drawing. This addition took about 30 minutes
Image 23 (above) no entry for today
Image 24 (above) no entry for today
Image 25 (above) no entry for today
Image 26 (above) no entry for today
Image 27 (above) no entry for today
Image 28 (above) August 25, 2016 This is actually the upper-left corner of my 40" x 30" illustration. It's about 18" x 13" in drawing area. The lower right "life explosion" show an area of what I like to imagine is an area of "conception," or (in the case of this drawing) re-conception! What takes place from this point all the way over to the corner -- and evolving to the upper-center areas -- is the beginning of what actually will be a depicted scene BEHIND these abstractions. It will be a bit tricky to do, but it should be interesting!
Image 29 (above) Here we see a closeup of the first 2 1/2 "flow abstractions" (next to the "life explosion.")
Image 30 (above) Here we see the upper 3 (of 4 thus far) abstactions emanating from the corner and left side of the 40 x 30 drawing
Image 31 (above) Image 1 of 7 - This image shows new work as of the last posting - A thru F. The "completed" section had final details added to it yesterday. See the next image 2 of 7 for slightly more detail.
Image 32 (above) Image 2 of 7 - showing slightly more detail and no letter lables
Image 33 (above) Image 3 of 7 - This image was photoshopped to exclude the surrounding flow bands. It shows the completed area.
Image 34 (above) Image 4 of 7 - This covers a lot of area and begins to show the path I've been working on. It picks up at G in the upper left and moves alphabetically through N at the bottom. "I" is hard to see but it is there -- where the path begins to progress vertically. Note: This note is being added as we speak, which amazingly comes 365 days AFTER the posting of this particular image. Take note of poi... See More
Image 35 (above) Image 5 of 7 - Here is a more detailed view of the middle section of the previous image. Several (11) solid pen lines are found throughout the drawing. The all originate from a location just left of center in the 40 x 30 drawing. Image 5 of 7 shows a portion of this.
Image 36 (above) Image 6 of 7 - This large unfinished section shows the alphabetical progression of the path as it (eventually) enters a rectangular area. The path will eventually pass through the "metamorphosis" area and then exit the scene as yet undeveloped.
Image 37 (above) Image 7 of 7 - Enlarged view of the primary path (lower and upper sections of path not shown here) The path crosses itself at the lower left.
Image 38 (above) New update 1 of 7 - This is a new set of images which amazingly just happened to "continue" from a point "G" last posted a year ago (exactly). See one particular edit to an image of my drawing one year ago (added today). It details pretty much what you currently see... and which I again began work on about 2 weeks ago. This entire drawing is large and is 40" x 32"
Image 39 (above) New update 2 of 7 - Note the continued work (new as of about 9/1) from point "G" indicated in the drawing.
Image 40 (above) New update 3 of 7 - A larger view of the previous detail
Image 41 (above) This is the 4th in a series of 7 new updates for this drawing which is likely going to be about a "Path of Life." Title not set as of now.
Image 42 (above) The 5th update and a continuation of the previous drawing's lower middle portion.
Image 43 (above) The 6th of 7 new updates
Image 44 (above) The 7th of 7 updates for my drawing's "path." This particular area in the 40" x 32" drawing represents 5" x 8" in area.
Image 45 (above) A magnified view of a 5 1/2" x 5 inch area last worked on in September of last year. The overall size of this unfinished work is 40" wide by 32" high. It was begun in May of 2016.
Image 46 (above) This is the "finishing point of the abstract not shown in the previous image. Note the internal continuous "path of life" which is still "moving along" as it has from the beginning point of the drawing.
Image 47 (above) The right most tiny middle dot marks "the end" of this seeds life (as you will see in the following pictorial for its development ...
Image 48 (above) The actual sunflower seed and the drawing's beginning with an unplanned (seeded error) ink drop shown in lower-right
Image 49 (above) The 'sinful' error's incorporation into the path of life drawing
Image 50 (above) The moment before the sunflower seed's planting. [See images 3-49 for a history of the path of life drawing.] Of some personal interest to me was the fact I sought to portray actual challenging "life events" within the drawing marked by what can only be described as "obstructions" or "walls" which themselves impeded the natural flow of this seed's development. Best examples of this "impeding force" are found in images 23 and 27. Sadly, and with some remorse, the final image -- 56 in this pictorial displays it's premature death.
Image 51 (above) Germination on May 18, 2016
Image 52 (above) Primary leaves develop ...
Image 53 (above) Seeking the light ...
Image 54 (above) Planting into the garden on May 29, 2016
Image 55 (above) I installed some twine around the delicate stem -- securing it to a tiny stick. In this way, the wind would not blow it down to the ground
Image 56 (above) Soon after this, the decision came to secure the still-delicate stem with a new piece of twine onto a 2" thick straight 12 foot pole. It continued to grow as I watered it. On some warm days it would take up to 5 gallons! All was well!
Image 57 (above) This image IS NOT the sunflower we have been discussing! I grew 7 other seeds nearby and THIS is one of the successful ones. It lived a full life. My bother Lee and I enjoyed studying the whorled pattern of new seeds in its flower head, I include this image mainly to show what unfortunately my "Selected Path of Life Seed" would never enjoy becoming! Although not shown, its leaves wilted and the plant died very suddenly due to a girdling of its main stem before it ever developed a flower. It was near maximum height! Within 3 days it was gone.
Image 58 (above) The original tiny stick was not accounted for at the time I attached both new and (here) old twine to the larger 12 foot pole. As the stem expanded in size, it eventually was girdled by the twine. Nutrients suddenly stopped flowing in its stem. As with this story, we can contemplate our own mortality on our own Path of Life.

The New Path [Album Details]