MaxZ80 - Chapter 3 Our topic for this Chapter is automation. I noticed a file named CMD.SUB in the MOTYL directory (A7:). I was looking for an example of how to automate a series of steps you find yourself frequently taking, like the compile and link steps discussed in the previous Chapter. CMD.SUB contains L80 CMD,CMD/N/E Files that have a filetype of .SUB are SUBMIT files. They are "jobs" that get carried out by the SUBMIT facility of CP/M. They usually have more than 1 line in them and in fact they often have parameters as well. It's easier to type SUBMIT CMD than it is to type that line above. Easier yet, you may type just CMD.SUB. We'll explain why this works in Chapter 5 ( The idea here is filetypes are associated with programs; examples: .SUB with SUBMIT, .BAS with MBASIC, .MNU with MENU. In the case of our job that turned LEE11H.BAS into LEE11H.COM, we could build a file named JOBLEE.SUB containing the following two lines: BASCOM =LEE11H/Z/E/O L80 Z3HDR,CMD,LEE11H,LEE11H/N/E Then, we could issue the command SUBMIT JOBLEE. Or, we could build a file named JOB.SUB containing BASCOM =$1/Z/E/O L80 Z3HDR,CMD,$1,$1/N/E and then issue the command SUBMIT JOB LEE11H. $1 is a parameter. CMD.SUB, when run, converts CMD.REL into CMD.COM. Most .REL files are not converted directly into .COM files. They contain routines that are used by main programs that call them. For example, MOTYL.BAS has a CALL to CMD in line 11. 7 ' MOTYL - 5/15/2007, 8/6/2010 - LRB 11 CALL CMD(FOOBAR$) 13 IF LEN(FOOBAR$)<>0 THEN 23 17 PRINT : PRINT "Usage : MOTYL YOUR VERY OWN COMMAND TAIL" 19 GOTO 37 23 PRINT : PRINT FOOBAR$ 29 PRINT 31 PRINT "The length of the command tail was " + MID$(STR$(LEN(FOOBAR$)),2) + "." 37 END CMD.MAC, the source code for CMD.REL, performs a service that MOTYL uses. This service is linked into MOTYL as follows: |